Thursday, September 10, 2009

BLOTATION & FET final date.

This picture describes how my legs, arms and belly have felt for a couple of weeks..I had my follow up today from my surgery with my GYN. She said everything looks "great." I have my baseline sono and estradiol scheduled for September 23rd. I will take my last BCP September 24-nothing like having 2 visits from AF in one month. She said my "EDEMA" aka all over body SWOLLENNESS is normal for all the hormones my body is trying to adjust to. I told her I exercise, don't drink caffeine and drink water all day long and she said "after you deliver your baby, it will go away." The Provera I was on she said probably made it worse. I have gained 6 pounds in water since my last visit and I can feel the tightness of my skin. She said the swelling was not enough to be concerned about. She also said that she would be praying-I encouraged her to PRAY FOR TWINS as I want both of my babies to survive. She is very excited about this as I am her first patient ever to go through an embryo adoption! CUTTING EDGE BABY!

I bought 1 pair of bigger jeans today after my appointment and they feel good!

The RE nurse from CA called me right after my appointment on my cell to say that my doctor would make sure I had my acupuncture and transfer on the 22nd WITHOUT RUSHING ME. I told her I felt rushed and am now trying to EMBRACE God's new plan. So this is how it will roll.....

My plane lands in L.A. at 9:40am October 22-take valium once in car
(i like that part)

Acupuncture 11am

Transfer 12pm

Acupuncture 12:30pm

1:15pm-OFF TO THE BEACH for 2 days of R & R

Heading home October 24th.

Lord, I really want to feel positive about this schedule change & I haven't really been-sorry. I'm trying to embrace it. I am now getting more excited every minute to meet my 2 little ones. PLEASE LORD, keep them safe until I get there and prepare my body to be "just perfect" for the 2 little ones created by you to grow, nuzzle in and become 2 beautiful babies I can one day hold in my arms & love! Thanks for all you've gotten us through so far! I promise to dedicate these 2 little ones to you and raise them to know the truth about you. I also promise to tell others about embryo adoption and the miracle of it all.


  1. Sorry for all the bloating. How exciting that things are moving along! Praying for twins for you!!!

  2. I'm getting so excited for you! When I get a current calendar I'll mark the dates to be praying...Yep, that's how UNorganized I am right now! Enjoy every moment with your little ones as the family dynamics will change soon....for the better!

  3. Your prayer gave me goose bumps!!!

    Don't worry about the bloat- I gained 8+ puonds on the meds before my transfer and lost them to be regained during pregnancy-lol!!! Talk about roller coaster weight gain/loss!!!

    Hugs Sister!!!

  4. I hope the edema subsides. It sounds painful what with tight skin. The good news is everything is on track and your embies are ready and waiting for you!

  5. Just found your blog. You story is similar to mine. Found that I had fluid build up during IVF (after I had LAP to open that same tube). Went ahead with IVF, m/c at 10w4d. Now, I am waiting on my 2nd LAP to remove that tube. Plan is to do an FET. I hope this FET is the one for you!
