Saturday, October 31, 2009

4 week madness!

Here's me in all my madness LOL!
Happy 4weeks little ones-KEEP GROWING!


  1. I am sure all of the employees at the Dollar Store appreciate your stimulus package- lol!!! Congrats on starting week #4!!! Can't wait for beta numbers on Monday so we can speculate about twins!!!!

    Happy Halloween- you can go dressed as a Pregnant Momma!!!


  2. How wondeful!! Let the madness continue!!

  3. Look at the line show up! Simply amazing! I can't wait to hear about your next beta.

  4. I can't explain why I love to see pictures of positive HPT's, but it's just a thrill for me!! Keep testing!! Don't you just giggle with excitement when it gets darker and darker!!! If we ever get a BFP I'll be testing well into month 3 !!! SO FUN!!!


  5. Giddy with happiness! I too am envisioning you at the dollar store, FILLING the cart with every HPT they have - even if you have to yank one from the hands of another customer! Enjoy!

  6. That just cracked me up!!! I am sure that I will do the same though. Happy testing! =D

  7. I hope they have some HPTs left for me in a few months! Ha ha :) I LOVE seeing the line getting darker! Thanks for posting this! SOOO exciting!

  8. YAY for BFPs! Such beautiful lines. I love seeing them getting darker. Can't wait for your beta # on Monday!

  9. Hey mama, I just wanted to say congrats! I also wanted to let you know you don't need to take a test everyday. I don't want to make you nervous, but if you were to miscarry, you would still get positive at home tests for weeks before they became negative again. I don't mean to scare you, as a mama who has gone through IVF (both a fresh and a cryo cycle) and miscarried before, the whole thing is very scary, but I don't want to you to have a false sense of security.

    Now, if you just like to see positive tests, well, I can totally understand that! :-)

    Can't wait to hear about the beta!
    Mama to 11m old b/g twins (conceived via IVF - cryo cycle, our snow baby miracles!)

  10. Awesome news! CONGRATS!! I wish you ALL the very best!

    Hugs Sharon
