Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Not Looking Good...

Well, Its not looking good for my FET cycle to continue. It will MOST LIKELY be cancelled. I am disappointed to say the least but KNEW in my heart it was coming.

The nurse just called and said that I have a phone consult scheduled at 12:45CST with my Dr. tomorrow to discuss the results. I am suppose to start taking a baby aspirin daily & take my 0.3 delestrogen injection tonight and wait for the call tomorrow. She said he is "very concerned" about my hydrosalpinx and wants to discuss cancelling the cycle. Like I said before, I don't want to put my little ones in ANY danger. I want THE BEST possible environment for them and if that means I have to have a surgery to remove that DUMB TUBE, I will do it because I already love them-my precious ones.

Now off to sulk & tell my DH.


  1. :( I am so sorry. I am sure you are so disappointed. But like you said, you want to give your babies the best possible environment to thrive and grow. I will be praying that they can get the issue taken care of quickly, and you can be back on the FET train before long at all!

  2. Dadgummit. That is dumpy, but as you said, whatever is best for your little ones. Maybe this means with your delay in transfer we may be preggers at the same time!? A fun thought :) Sorry you're stuck waiting again though.

  3. I'm so sorry! I know how disappointing and devastating any setbacks are...please keep us posted on your consult if you feel like sharing. Praying for you...

  4. I just decided that it was due time to check your blog--I am on bed rest due the contraction of a bacterial disease. Needless to say, I know who I am going to pray for now! I will keep checking back to see what the Lord has planned :-) Hugs from Africa.

  5. I am so sorry. I will be praying for you today. I understand how hard it is to wait and to be on pins and needles all the time...

  6. I am so sorry!! It is so disappointing when something like this happens-we have so much anticipation and excitement about the possibility. I am keeping you in my thoughts and I hope whatever happens, your outcome will be positive!!

  7. As I look at the clock, I think you may be having the phone call with your doc at this very minute. My heart goes out to you, hon. I know what it feels like to work toward and look forward to THE date. Only to have it yanked away. Just remember, it's temporary. Your doc may recommend surgery, but once you've recovered and can re-start your cycle meds, the wait will feel much shorter. At least it did for me. Thinking of you and sending lots of prayers your way.
